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30 years

30 years! & still loving my vocation and life calling as a psychologist. It is hard to believe it’s been 3 decades since I began graduate school at the University of Minnesota. Being a psychologist arrived long before, along with art and writing. The degree simply punctuated it. Little Rachel was listening closely to her friends, putting drawings all over her walls, and writing poems—sometimes mischievously. I somehow convinced my typewriting teacher to let me type creative stories whenever he was giving timed typing tests to our class in junior high.

It continues to be a sacred honor and joy to go alongside my client’s journeys and listen, witness, and support them as they lean into their stories and glean wisdom and strength, as one quoted in my book “all I did was listen” says “I tried so hard to not be who I am and now I’m finally living my life for the first time and I am who I am who I am.”

Now I watch my oldest son about to begin a graduate program in counseling psychology in January and my younger son begin his career in mechanical engineering, being “I am who I am who I am.”

I am thankful for this path. For how much my therapy clients and children teach and bless me. For the light of hope that shines in our sometimes dim corridors. For walking this life arm in arm. We need each other. We are better together.

To learn more about my services, you can read more here:

All with loving celebration of 30 years alongside brave & beautiful souls, Rachel


Rachel Awes

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